عدد 722 تحميلات تحت قسم آفات وأمراض
تصفح جميع التحميلات
Biological control of Rhizoctonia damping-off in sesame
Host reaction of twenty barley cultivars with Erysiphi graminis f.sp. hordei
Rhizoctonia damping-off in sesame
A note on response of twelve induced mutants to powdery mildew
Wilt causing fungi on broad bean
Etiological Studies of alfalfa rust in Central Iraq
Levellula leguminosarum on alfalfa in Iraq
Status of plant parasitic nematodes associated with rice cultivations in northeastern nile delta region ,Egypt with referenece to Hirschmanniella oryzae.
Population changes of white tip nematodes Aphelenchoides besseyi on certain rice cultivatrs under outdor conditions.
Impact of certain chemical pesticides and bioagents on suppressing some parasitic nematodes associated with rice plant under field conditions.
Efficacy of certain pesticides and dried leaf powders in the management of rice white - tip nematode, Aphelenchoides Besseyi.
تنوع السلالات الفسيولوجيه للفطر المسبب للصدأ الاصفر فى مرحلتى البادرة والنبات البالغ على القمح بمصر
موسم الهجرة من القطن
ذبابة الطماطم البيضاء Bemisia tabaci
المكافحة المتكاملة
عدد زيارات الموقع